Sunday Thoughts: Bravery


I woke this Sunday thinking of the many decisions that I make on a daily basis.  Some automatic,  my mind not even registering that I am computing a choice and others, the many other decisions that I am called to make are becoming ever apparent. What life do I desire for myself?  Will I have the courage to obtain it? What exactly is a leap of faith and is fear ever involved? 

This morning as I think about my days ahead, I will look to answer those questions knowing that in order to truly obtain everything I desire I must exhibit bravery, with a sprinkle of courage, wrapped in faith. I have to be brave with my life and be willing to take on all that that means.

1 thought on “Sunday Thoughts: Bravery”

  1. This is such a powerful statement… how do you know what you can do if you are not brave enough, if you dont dare to be brave you wont know the heights that you can accomplish… this is amazing…i will be brave today… because i know i am brave.


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