
Inspiration Journey Life

Traveling is exposure.

My first experience with traveling was when I was a child. Our parents used to take my brother and I on these long road trips to South Carolina. Not only was it a great opportunity for us to meet our extended family, but open road and the sound of trees whistling in the wind does something to a child. It provided us with an experience. Far removed were we from the sound of horns beeping, the glares of street lights, boom boxes, and fire crackers. We were now in another world. A world that basked in the serenity of the pitch black sky, enjoyed the sounds of crickets singing, there was no need for lights as the stars lit our path, and we…we could inhale the pure scent of freshly cut grass.

Travel was exposure.

It opened our minds and sent us on a journey that we didn’t have to delve too far to reach. We were only eight, maybe nine hours away and yet our lives were so much different for our weeks stay.

Traveling is exposure.

It broadens our horizons and opens our lives and beings up to opportunities that we never even new existed. The familiarities to another are thrills to us and what an exhilarating future that holds. I invite you all to journey with me as I share experiences great and small, through my lens.