Live. Work. Create


I found this image on Instagram. It was on someone's artsy page and I was drawn to it. Despite the utter beauty of clean and clear typography, the words provided clarity. Live. Work. Create. However, the more I stared at this image the more I wondered if it was even fitting for me to identify with these words. Why did I align myself so easily here, in this order? Afterall, it is not that I believe that artists get measures of creativity after they have lived their lives and are now working on some other causes. I truly believe that creativity is what spurs our best work and that in turn allows us to live our lives in the greatest ways imaginable. So, I am left staring at words and questioning myself. Could it be that although I do not believe in this process it is one that is most aligned with who I am at the moment. Each and everyday I awaken to a life for which I am thankful for. I complete work; tasks that I am good at and then I find time to create. All the while, my heart yearns to live in a space where time is not dependent on income, but instead I am allowed to float around and piece together the words that constantly exist in my mind, creating stories and dialogues to share. I am most aligned to the words in this order, but I do not believe in them. For they are the opposite of what the process of creativity actually looks like. Rather, they are the opposite of what it looks like to me at this moment.